Factory Feedback

Young writers (aged 7-17)

Get Your Start as a Professional Writer

Story Factory is seeking young writers (aged 7-17) who love writing and have something to say to submit their writing for publication for our newest program – Factory Feedback.

This program is designed to support, champion and amplify the voices of the brilliant young people of Australia.

We will work with you to edit and develop your writing (both fiction and non-fiction) and then publish successful submissions on our website, as well as pay a small honorarium for your work.

We’re looking for shorter pieces suitable for publishing online on our website. We’d love to read your three-volume novel but it’s a bit tricky to publish online so we may suggest publishing an extract of longer work submitted. Up to 1000 words is a good fit, as a guideline.

We’ll ask for your name, age, address and school to check your eligibility for this program as part of the application process.

Factory Feedback  is our vote of confidence in the voices of young people.

@SydneyStoryFactory on Instagram

Witnessed the incredible talent of @zeadalamusic at Story Factory's Parramatta Creative Circle last Friday! 🙌🏽🎤🎶 This singer-songwriter, rapper, and poet from South West Sydney blew us away with her mesmerising performance. Thank you Z for coming to Story Factory Parramatta to connect with and inspire our community of young creators.

The Creative Circle is a series of events run by @storyfactorypublishing bringing together experienced artists with early career writers to inspire young creators (aged 15-25). Events will run on selected Friday evenings at Story Factory Parramatta from April to September 2023. DM @storyfactorypublishing to learn more.

#Zeadala #ParramattaCreativeCircle #StoryFactory #SouthWestSydney #SingerSongwriter #Rapper #Poet #LivePerformance #CreativeProgram #FridayNightFun
Are you a parent or teacher of a young writer? ✍️ Have you ever wanted to see their work published in a real book? 📕

Story Factory is offering FREE creative writing workshops for students to help them write and publish stories on their own. Our after-school workshops are facilitated by experienced educators who are passionate about helping young people improve their literacy and storytelling skills. We'll also give them access to resources and support from professional writers to empower their creativity. 📝 📚

It's FREE and easy to sign up. Visit:  https://www.storyfactory.org.au/programs/after-school-holiday-programs/

We hope to see you soon!

#storyfactory #creativewriting #freeworkshop #publishing #westernsydney
WE’RE HIRING! We’re looking for an Aboriginal Engagement Manager to develop strong partnerships and understanding between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and Story Factory, to help improve outcomes for all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in our programs. 

If you’re passionate about improving writing skills and educational opportunities for Indigenous young people or know someone who would be perfect for this role, head to our website to learn more: https://www.storyfactory.org.au/about/work-with-us/

Artwork by Danielle Mate.

#sydneystoryfactory #nowhiring #jobopportunity #indigenousjobs #westernsydney
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Factory Feedback was created with, and generously supported by, the Dusseldorp Forum.

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Stories from this Program


By Dunya, Year 6

The emu has a shaggy grey-brown to black plumage. The bare skin around their face and neck is a striking blue-black colour. Emu chicks are grey with black or brown stripes, so that only the other emus can see it.

People Are Way Too Quick To Judge

By Dunya, Year 6

Have you ever been a situation where you had assumed something that wasn’t true? Well I have and that’s why I am 100% positive that people assume things way too quickly! People still haven’t learnt that things are not always as they seem!


By Mina

One day there was a monster called Jacob. He was so kind to all of the people. He used to not have any friends. One time a girl called Sarah saw him, then she said “why are you sad?” Then he said, because nobody wants to be his friend. Then she said, “I could be your friend.” Then they were playing at the park together. After one week they were at the forest.


By Clok

Once upon a time I saw a yellow car and I saw a yellow toy I want. I go to the shop and buy a big toy and I go back home and I go to shower and I play with my Ipad and I go to the shop again and I buy another toy and then go to bed.


By Danial

Once upon a time, there was a family in a big house. The family were helping and working together. The little boy and his mum were cleaning the little boy’s room up and...


By Muler

One day, there was a lost dog in the street. He was walking around. I rescued him from the car. We took it to his family. He was happy he went to our house and the last day he went back home.


By Elia

One day there was an old house. There is a boy and a girl, but 1 minute later Godzilla fights King Kong and they made a huge storm and the boy and girl flew up into the sky and they went to the galaxy and they fight and fight in the galaxy and the boy and the girl died.


By Yahya

Some day I sat in the grass and someone came and said to me “I am police. I want you to be your friend”. I tell him, “Okay I want to be yours, and be police and I want to be king”.


By Angela

I colour shapes in a paper with paint and the colours are light. Once I am done, I give it to the teacher and she marks it, then puts it on my report. At the end of the day I like to go with my family to eat ice cream at Big W.


By Zain

Right after I turned on the TV, it flickered on and off. Then suddenly all the trolls came to life! Thank God that Bular the bad troll didn’t come to life or else I would be dead by now. They were huge.


By Nancy

One day, there was a princess living in a castle with her mom and dad. Her name is Mirna. They were a very happy family, but unfortunately one day their mom died because she was really sick and the dad tried to get doctors to help her, but even the doctors couldn’t help her.

Spider-Man Narrative

By Jonathan, Year 5

Peter is a agile, young and short boy who watches Spider-Man practically every day. Peter glued watching his Spider-Man cartoon with fascination until his mother called him for dinner.

Change is Scary

By Fatuma, Year 9

I walk into my creepy basement to get my family's old rusty camera and hear a big bang. I turn on the light and it starts to flicker. I see the camera from a distance. I walk toward the camera and try to grab it. I start to feel something brush against my skin. I immediately realize it’s a bunch of spiders and cockroaches.

Don’t Target Bob

By Jayden, Year 6

Bob sprinted past the abandoned factory, glancing at the basketball court next to it. His head turned to see the distance between him and the two black clothed people. There was about 50 meters between them.


By Zahra, Year 12

My umbrella shines bright red amongst others, exposing my identity. This place where I live is considered dystopian. Here the government tracks down every move of its citizens, not allowing one to have their own voice and feelings.