My Life In A Different World

By Natalie, Year 6

Written as part of Factory Feedback

Chapter 1 Normal days as usual

I woke up to go to the toilet,then I went back to bed till my alarm rang. Then I was so lazy to even walk out of bed. but I had to wake up because I had work and I needed money to pay my bills so I got up and got ready. So I was ready to go to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come but by the time I was at work I was 20 min late so my short stubborn boss came up to me and said why are  you so late so I replied and said “umm because.. I was busy doing my work that you told me to ummm yeah” then I was about to go to my desk till my boss said “can you umm” and i said “can you what?” I was really curious before she said what my boss was about to say to me. I felt like I’m going to sweat, so my boss said “can you give me your work?  because I needed to mark it”. then I said to my boss she said “yes I said isn’t it meant to be due on Thursday? and today is Tuesday”.  My boss said “but i just want to check in early because I heard you are good at your work”. Then I said “from who?” She said “umm” till my boss put a different subject into reconsider. 

so I finished work and went home and  I had a shower and then I laid in bed then I thought to myself why today felt like a weird day I thought to myself then I just went to sleep then I woke up for no reason then I look at the clock it and I thought the alarm clock was set up  but it was already 11 ow no i’m going to get into big trouble I didn’t catch the bus

Chapter 2: When I’m in a different world

He woke up at a unusual place but later when he woke  up in an unusual place he wasn’t as scared as he thought he would be it was very interesting for him and i thought he want to look around a while and everything he get to like he changes into a different world and after those 7 world he kind of like the hang of it and was alway curious about it and alway had a great time and came back to normal.

I was late so I used my leg then ran so fast i couldn’t stop then I was at work I tried to hide from my boss so she couldn’t see me but my boss saw me so I knew what my boss is going to say she going to say “you are late again” then I said slowly “ummm yahhh” “and you promise not to be late tomorrow?” and I said “yeah” then i did my work hardly no one said a word.

So I tried to finish my work earlier because it been weird things been happening since yesterday so i got homes and had a shower and went to lie down as usual on the bed then I went to sleep and I woke up in a funny weird place I thought I was dreaming but I wasn’t

Then I went a little closer till something made me go to a beautiful world I couldn’t believe my eye it like a dream then I looked around for awhile and tried to find a way wherever it leads me so I had a rest under a shady tree and rest till I’m not that scared and I forget a little if that works

Chapter 3 when it get interesting

Then I woke up in a princess, queen and king castle and I felt like I was the luckiest person in the world. So wandered around until I actually found the hugest biggest reddest DRAGON and I thought it was rear and I wonder what they do with the Dragon so it had a candy cane chain and I thought that so cool I hope I don’t need to suck on it then my eyes got so abses with it and I said to myself no. So I said to myself I hope never ever break it otherwise it will eat me  till it fly so high  til it might break my ribs hope not. Then I forgot to pay attention where I was standing, then I stepped on the candy cane  chain by accident it eyes was closed I hope it not pretending to be asleep then when I tip toed out of that Dragon room I heard it make a Greuze weird sound so I slowly turned around and one eye open and I just pretend that I never saw that then  I ran as fast then closed the door and sat in from of the door for a while and just had a rest and it was surprising the dragon didn’t try to break the door. So I woke up in the middle of a basketball court game then i started running but i didn’t know where I was running so I stopped and talked softly and said to one of the basketball player can you please tell me which way to the bathroom and she said straight then to the right hand side I said thanks you then I ran to the direction she told me to then i found the girls bathroom and sat on the the rest seat and I said to myself finally  everyone is not looking at me anymore then I thought what do i do now? Then i went out of the bathroom then I appeared in a different world

That was really dark I barely see myself till I saw  a diamond with a light shining on the diamond I went to check it out then I sneakily touched the diamond but nothing happen and I was about to take a photo with it but I disappeared in another world I never seen before then I walk into  a world of candy and I ate one tiny piece of fairy floss and I disappear in a different world again and it was the same place at the beginning there was a open door to my bedroom then I finally found my way home and I nearly forgotten about work then I ran and got dressed and ran to work again and eventually wasn’t late for work and my boss was so happy and so was I was to and I had a normal day ever for now but i still wish to live in the candy land but still better where I feel like home I felt like home forever.



He woke up at a unusual place but later when he woke  up in an unusual place he wasn’t as scared as he thought he would be it was very interesting for him and i thought he want to look around a while and everything he get to like he changes into a different world and after those 7 world he kind of like the hang of it and was alway cures about it and alway had a great time and came back to normal.

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