I Am

By Viola

Written as part of Sunset in My Heart

I am my aunty’s house where we have all our gatherings, 

I am the smell of freshly baked  cinnamon rolls,

I am fluffy pajama pants with a tank top that keep me warm on a winter night,

I am Nutella covered strawberries. Always. 

I am shades of pink that appear when you blush,

I am the light that comes with a purple sky,

I am the sound of my family’s laughter,

I am my dogs fluffy fur,

I am calm, grateful and warm.  


Someone you were in the past

The clock strikes 9 as the school crowds with loads of students. As I watch the hall fill from the front of the room, anxiety clouds my thoughts and the doubts start to kick in. Do I deserve this? Why me? Suddenly all my demons disappeared once I stood on that stage. “Viola Nguyen, dux of year 8”. I lifted my head, rolled back my shoulders and strutted myself towards that certificate with absolute pride. I felt liberated, recognised and most importantly, grateful.


Something that you value in the present

Film, though seeming like an insignificant form of media, has taught me things about my past, predictions about my future and therefore it is valuable to my present. My dad and I would watch movies together all the time and there are certain films that bring back the feeling of his presence. From the smell of popcorn at the cinemas to the cozy feeling of cuddling on my own bed, putting on a good comfort movie is my ultimate most valuable thing in the present.


Something that will never change

The things I love most about myself are the things that will never change: my love for my family, my big bright smile, the way music makes me feel and my concerningly large appetite.