Thank you for considering making a gift to us!

Story Factory is registered charity with Australian Charities and Not-For-Profits Commission with DGR-1 status, meaning any gift made to us is tax-deductible, for which we’ll provide you with a receipt. Below is some more information about the various ways that you can give to Story Factory to ensure more fantastic young writers in under-resourced communities can write and share their stories.

Every dollar makes a difference – thank you!

Give Directly

You can donate right now directly via our secure donation page or, if you’d prefer to make your gift via electronic funds transfer or cheque, simply get in touch with our Grants & Strategy Manager, Ruth Friedlaender:

Become an Inkwell (Give Regularly)

Story Factory would love to welcome you into our close community of generous donors, Inkwells, who have committed to making a monthly donation to us. Simply head to our donation page and toggle the button to monthly instead of one-off. Thank you!

Give through your Foundation

We’d welcome the opportunity to talk to you about how your foundation, either personal or corporate, could help more of our fantastic young writers. With demonstrable impact in the lives of young people, you can be assured that your grant to Story Factory will do a world of good.

To start a conversation please email

Give in your workplace

Story Factory is registered with Good2Give, Benevity and Catalyzer. If you can’t find us on your workplace giving platform just email  and we can provide you with resources to help get workplace giving set up at your work.

Give in your Will

Story Factory was established in 2012 and since then, thanks to good governance, we’ve demonstrated that we’re committed to help more young people to write and will be for many more years to come. To have a confidential chat about leaving a legacy gift in your Will to help future generations of young people, please email

Fundraise for Story Factory

We’d love to be the beneficiary of your fundraising! If you’d like to fundraise to help Story Factory, we’d love to know about it to help you reach your goal. Get in touch with to get all the right materials and wording.