Envato to fund an Aboriginal Liaison Officer for Story Factory
27 May 2021
Envato to fund an Aboriginal Liaison Officer for Story Factory
Story Factory has been announced as the newest partner for the Envato Foundation.
For us at Story Factory, the Foundation will fund an Aboriginal Liaison Officer over the next three years, to help facilitate connections with Indigenous communities and develop relevant, culturally responsive workshop content for Story Factory programs.
“We’re really excited about these partnerships because they are focusing their efforts in a really tangible and impactful way,” said Briany Kalms, Chair of the Envato Foundation board. “Helping support Indigenous students through writing and education during their formative years is pivotal to making a real difference.”
“The Foundation now proudly supports eight wonderful organisations, all of which are meaningfully contributing to supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youth during various stages of their education. We’ve been able to find some nice synergy that really closes the loop between primary, secondary and tertiary education.”

Dr Cath Keenan AM, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Story Factory, welcomed the Foundation’s three-year commitment. “It will enable us to better support each and every one of the hundreds of young Indigenous writers we are currently working with, as well as the hundreds more we will now be able to work with thanks to the Envato Foundation.”
“This partnership came about because of our ongoing work telling heartfelt stories about the need to better support the writing and literacy of young Indigenous people, and we are sincerely grateful to the Foundation who were open to really listening.”
About the Envato Foundation
The Envato Foundation was established in 2018 and partners with charitable organisations that focus on opportunity creation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly through the development and education of children and youth. The Foundation is funded by 1% of Envato’s annual pre-tax profits and has so far paid out almost $1 million AUD to eight partners across Australia.