After the Future

By Claire Wong, Primary Student

My hand hovered over the door before I drew it back. My entire life depended on whether I opened the door or not.

“Tria!” A voice called from downstairs. I grimaced. It was my step-sister Lilith, calling me into the travel pod. She had never experienced the troubles of time travel, so thought it was alright. My mother, though… she was just… gone.

I guess time-travel has its perks. I can travel back and forth in time at my heart’s content. But… Many have died from it. What if I do too?

Time travel is dangerous. An extra body part would appear. If it’s merely an extra clump of skin, that’s great! If you get an extra head, though… Not many can survive that.

Still, I stepped outside and into the pod. Lilith stepped on the pedal and we zoomed off into the unknown.